Friday, November 12, 2010

Run 1

Well I got back on the train tonight (actually the treadmill) and went on my very first run. I decided to take a much more ambitious approach than C25K the goal was just to run for 15 minutes at 5mph. I failed :(. I did really really really well until 11 minutes 30 seconds and then my iPod crashed to the floor my headphones flew so I gave up and walked fora few minutes. I made up the time later, but still that's not the same as 15 straight minutes of running.

The running was hard, I was sweat covered and beet red. I find it humiliating that I barely could make an 11 minute run but I will fully admit it only in hopes I will look at this 6 months from now and laugh.

I have to admit though something deep down in me loves running. I feel 100% alive when I am breathing hard, and sweating . I also feel entirely BA.

The one ginormous qualm about tonight's run was an entirely huge creeper sat on the weight machine and watched me ..... for over ten minutes. Nonetheless I can not wait to move to anderson.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ok, so I fell off the bandwagon, it has been over 100 days since I last ran. Despite this setback - I have returned! ( not quite yet, but I will soon) Tonight I signed up for the One America mini marathon in Indianapolis, May 7th 2011... a mere 188 days away. This is step one in my mission to not only return but dominate as a real 100% runner.

So here is the deal friends, I am going to keep up the blog to update you on my mission 1: to revisit the C25K program and then to work through my mini training. I think it will be good to keep record of my runs, to internalize my thoughts and to support others like me. Brand new struggling runners that are trying, I have found their are alot of cross country for life blogs out their - that's not me at all.

So wish me luck!

Lauren K.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How it all began

One might wonder how me, someone who has had only moderate (and girly) athletic interests for their entire life would stumble upon the desire to be a runner.
well, I decided I wanted to run a marathon.
I really have absolutely no clue where I decided this, maybe it was after I watched the biggest loser finale I thought heck, if they can, I can?

I really don't know, but looking back it really does seem insane.
I soon found myself on amazon looking for a book to tell me how, because I certainly had no clue how anyone runs 26.2 miles and found "The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer", immediately upon the purchase it came with a semi-free (I am still not sure if I accidentally paid for it) e-book. I was hooked in an instant, suddenly their were magic words about how anyone can run a marathon just using happy thoughts and determination. Thus I became a runner.

I did start with baby steps and purchased the Couch 2 5K application for my Ipod Touch
So I started with one whole minute of running and in a short 5weeks increased output 500% to 5 whole minutes. it is funny that even though the longest amount of time I have ever run is 5minutes, I am still dreaming about the marathon, but I really am going to run it, you just wait and see!

in My running book, it has stated multiple times the importance and value of visualizing mental motivation to help push through the mental block in running. They always suggest imagine you running easy and free and so I tried really hard to imagine me all bouncy and sized 0 but no matter what I couldn't convince myself.

Instead what I have come up with (enter the twilight zone)

Now (this is where it gets weird) I imagine myself (when I am full of energy and drive) as a tiger ripping through the jungle and in those moments when I have to push through I imagine myself as one of those horse's made to drive carriages in the city let go to run free, tired and sore but determined to keep running. Now how I relate to this better than an image of myself? I don't know....

additionally I have created another strategy. I hear (read it online, and in the book) that breathing is crazy important while running ( and due to a horrible 400 meter race in 7th grade, I was told that breathing is the cure to "stitches"/side pain)so I have been trying really hard to get a grasp on my breathing. So I imagined breathing in and the oxygen is teal bubbles, it then explodes inside me sending oxygen in bouncing bubbles to all my parts. when the breathing was much harder, I magically started to breath pink bubbles.

I know all of this is not something someone would normally say, but yet maybe someday it will help someone out and it really does help me.


The Begining....

Hi its nice to meet you
My name is Lauren

Who knows how many weeks ago (OK it was 7) I started on the C25K track and unfortunately was derailed from my initial plan by fried food, pizza and sleep. Still yet I have returned with vigor and passion.

and now in my renewal of vows to C25k and my dreams of someday being a bouncy runner in spandex pink I am more excited than ever.
Almost a bit obsessive, hence having this blog?

Nonetheless I wanted an account of someone else's running experience, so why not make record of my own.

Today I ran run three of week four (run pace at 5mph, I'm working on it) and the run was crazy easy. I am very intimidated going into week five (HOLY CRAP A 2o minute run!!!!) but excited at the same time ( I AM GOING TO RUN 20 MINUTES!!!)

we will see how long that lasts?

Later Alligator